Free Comic Books?? Yes, Please!
it’s time for every geek’s favorite holiday-Free Comic Book Day! Start reading for the 1st time or renew an old habit that you once loved-all at your local comic book store the 1st Saturday in May.
it’s time for every geek’s favorite holiday-Free Comic Book Day! Start reading for the 1st time or renew an old habit that you once loved-all at your local comic book store the 1st Saturday in May.
All things Captain Marvel start here! We’ve loved Carol Danvers for decades in the comics & now we’re more than ready to fan out over her movie debut!
Celebrating Free Comic Book Day 2018 with some great kids at a new comic book shop, Limited Edition Comics, in the hottest place on Earth! (at least it felt like it 😉 ) Lake Havasu City, AZ.
Must-Know Facts BEFORE you watch Doctor Strange movie. NO MOVIE SPOILERS.
The Killing Joke is still worth it to watch, but at this point, if you’re new to it, it’s a coin toss as to whether to read the story first or watch the video first because it’s almost identical… except for the prequel.