Last updated on February 7th, 2017 at 10:11 pm

Arrow #Olicity S04E14 Code of Silence

Apr 30, 2016Green Arrow, TV

#Olicity – Will Felicity Walk Again??



The first in our series of action figure re-tellings of superhero TV show episodes!  #Olicity fans will appreciate us taking out all the other parts of the show and just packing in all the Oliver & Felicity moments in under 3 minutes.  Watch the video above and then re-watch the episode to see how right we got it. 😉

We love seeing Stephen Amell and mily Bett Rickard’s portrayals of their characters on the Arrow TV series and are always rooting for them.

Like and Share below if you want us to give the Hometown Geek action figure treatment the rest of this season, too!

For those of you waiting for the Season 4 Blu Ray like me,
it’s now available for pre-order!



Here are the actors featured in our video:



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