Things You Need to Know Before Watching Doctor Strange

Nov 3, 2016Doctor Strange, Movies

Benedict Cumberbatch SDCC 2014.jpg

Benedict Cumberbatch at the 2014 San Diego Comic Con.

Do you have some idea of what you’re walking into before you head off to watch the new Doctor Strange movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch?

Photo Courtesy of Gage Skidmore –, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link



Do you know what a pyschedelic, trippy past that Doctor Strange has?  We’re here to tell you all about it in the video below.  Did we miss anything?  What was new and weird to you??  Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this post and video!

 Enjoy the Movie Below!

Benedict Cumberbatch SDCC 2014.jpg

Benedict Cumberbatch at the 2014 San Diego Comic Con.

Do you have some idea of what you’re walking into before you head off to watch the new Doctor Strange movie starring Benedict Cumberbatch?

Photo Courtesy of Gage Skidmore –, CC BY-SA 2.0, Link



Do you know what a pyschedelic, trippy past that Doctor Strange has?  We’re here to tell you all about it in the video below.  Did we miss anything?  What was new and weird to you??  Let us know in the comments below and don’t forget to share this post and video!

 Enjoy the Movie Below!

Now that you’re all caught up on Doctor Strange and have a taste of all the magically delicious things in store for you when you read one of his comic books/graphic novels, we’ve picked out a couple of them for you to try.  The mystical selections on the right have both a paper copy edition and/or a digital copy for you to choose from and if you haven’t tried out Comixology yet, you’re in for a real treat.

We always are very appreciative when our readers use our Amazon links to buy their comics, etc. and we love it when they come back and tell us how they liked them, too!

Interested in a heavy metal hero Doctor Strange meme?

Paper Copy 

Digital Copy/Kindle, etc. 

Paper Copy 

Digital Copy/Kindle, etc. 

Now that you’re all caught up on Doctor Strange and have a taste of all the magically delicious things in store for you when you read one of his comic books/graphic novels, we’ve picked out a couple of them for you to try.  The mystical selections on the right have both a paper copy edition and/or a digital copy for you to choose from and if you haven’t tried out Comixology yet, you’re in for a real treat.

We always are very appreciative when our readers use our Amazon links to buy their comics, etc. and we love it when they come back and tell us how they liked them, too!

Interested in a heavy metal hero Doctor Strange meme?

Paper Copy 

Digital Copy/Kindle, etc. 

Paper Copy 

Digital Copy/Kindle, etc. 

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Hometown Geek
Dashing Young Geek About Town at Making A Scene Productions, LLC
By day, your Hometown Geek is one of the partners at Making A Scene Productions, LLC and works hard at video production, web design, social media, and all things tech, but by night it's a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American Way.

Well-versed in the details of the never-to-be-forgotten and sadly never-to-be-repeated Bronze and Copper Age of Comic Books, but was an innocent bystander during the Chrome Age and accepts no responsibility for it, your Hometown Geek loves all things comic-book related from any era.

Although biased toward Apple products, your Hometown Geek doesn't feel like a Hipster. Fascinated by all the tech at hand in the world today and anxious to try out all different forms of new and old media, the Geek still has an incredible fondness for the old movies of the 1930s and 1940s and loves to fall asleep to TCM - Turner Classic Movies.

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