Last updated on April 22nd, 2016 at 01:50 am

Batman v Superman Memes
Batman v Superman: Dawn of the Justified Action Figures
The “Dark Knight” because he can’t come out in the day??
Movie Popcorn = #Bromance
Did you come away from the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie slightly confused? Did you feel like they tried to stuff roughly half a dozen different comic book stories into the Batman v Superman movie? Check out some of the Kindle
/Comixology editions of the movie tie-ins to help you out with all that confusion. If you don’t want a digital copy, you can always get it in paperback/graphic novel format, too.
Here’s a totally FREE comic book! | Not into comic books? (What?!) Well, here’s the movie novel. | And here’s a trade paperback collection of some major Batman/Superman battles. |
Ready to own the Batman v Superman: Dawn of Justice movie BluRay movie with all the extras that might make the movie make more sense than when you saw it in the theatre?? This is the ULTIMATE edition with BluRay + DVD + Ultraviolet Digital Copy.