Best Deal in Comic Cons? Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019!

Mar 12, 2019Comic Cons

From Phoenix Comicon to Phoenix Comic Fest to Phoenix Fan Fusion…
a proud history…
Phoenix Fan Fusion logoAs more and more guests are announced for this year’s premiere Arizona comic book convention, we’re starting the countdown to Phoenix Fan Fusion taking place this coming Memorial Day Weekend.

And…WHAT A DEAL – $75 for ALL 4 DAYS – PHXFF 2019 Full Event Pass!!!

Red Arrow Curved Down

Some of the guests we’re most excited to see are listed below, but every guest is a winner at PHXFF 2019!
Who are some guests that you’re looking forward to seeing the most this year?  Are your fandoms different from your Hometown Geek’s team?
From Phoenix Comicon to Phoenix Comic Fest to Phoenix Fan Fusion…
a proud history…
Phoenix Fan Fusion logoAs more and more guests are announced for this year’s premiere Arizona comic book convention, we’re starting the countdown to Phoenix Fan Fusion taking place this coming Memorial Day Weekend.

And…WHAT A DEAL – $75 for ALL 4 DAYS – PHXFF 2019 Full Event Pass!!!

Red Arrow Curved DownSome of the guests we’re most excited to see are listed below, but every guest is a winner at PHXFF 2019!
Who are some guests that you’re looking forward to seeing the most this year?  Are your fandoms different from your Hometown Geek’s team?

Countdown to Phoenix Fan Fusion 2019!








From Doctor Who to playing Malcolm Merlyn on Arrow, John Barrowman is always a highlight of any con or in-person appearance. This guy’s a hoot! If our Hometown Geek Team could get any of his antics on camera, you can bet we’ll be sharing that here RIGHT away! And his acting isn’t bad, either. 😉 

We’ve been following Elijah Wood since early in his child actor days. Can anyone who’s seen the Barry Levinson masterpiece Avalon say that he, and the movie, are not among their favorites?  And that soundtrack!  Anyway… Sure, he’s a con fave now because he’s Frodo, but what about all his other awesome work??


Should Black Panther have won the Best Picture Academy Award?? YES!!! Christopher Priest neé Jim Owsley is the hot ticket who helped bring T’Challa and the other citizens of Wakanda to life on the pages of his great comic book run and his work influenced the movie greatly.  The amount of trailblazing in comics that Priest has done cannot be underestimated!


Can there ever be enough ElfQuest?? NO!!! The incredible, husband-wife, creator team of Wendy and Richard Pini has managed to stand the test of time with a unique and very popular comic book vision when self-publishing and/or indie comics were not funded by Indie Go Go but by blood, sweat, and tears. The only question left to ask about ElfQuest – why hasn’t there been a movie yet?!


Did you like the Christopher Nolan Batman movies? Well, you have to Denny O’Neil to thank then. He started the Dark Knight vision in his comics of the ’70s and a whole ton of other comic book awesomeness including the groundbreaking Green Arrow/Green Lantern team-up dealing with major social issues of the day. What would Denny write in today’s comics?


The best Batman artist, hands down, and part of the legendary Green Lantern/Green Arrow social issues run of the ’70s. Neal Adams is a mensch in the comic book industry and never stopped looking out for his friend, Stan Lee, until the very end. Thanks, Neal – an artist and a gentleman.


Star Trek: Voyager is the BEST Star Trek show in the franchise. Fight me.

Garrett Wang as Harry Kim is one of the many reasons why. Great actor, great friend to others, all-around great guy.


Before there was Sharknado, there was Ian Ziering! Beverly Hills 90210 is especially on all our minds right now because of the sudden and tragic death of Luke Perry.  I’m sure everyone will want to check in with Ian and hear all about his 90210 days at this year’s con.

P.S. Sharknado 5 has scenes set in Everybody’s Hometown – Prescott, Arizona!


Josef Rubinstein – the first comic book inker that we knew. We understood what inking was because of you and your unique style.  From the early days as an X-Men artist favorite to today’s modern art technology, you’re the best!


Who is the last living person on Earth with the most knowledge and love of the Golden Age of Comics? Roy Thomas is your man!  With all the reboots and new issue #1s every other month, Thomas’ institutional memory is more important than ever!!!

His love letter to the Golden Age, All-Star Squadron, was one that caught my eye when I had 25 cents to spend at the local Circle K spinner rack of comic books when i was a kid. 25 cents was a lot of money back then and I’m glad I bought it instead of that candy bar.


Gerry Conway created Firestorm and wrote a ton of Justice League among his many other accomplishments. If you want the last of the liberal stalwarts and a fantastic Twitter feed, check out his account at

We’re dying to talk to him!


Could we please talk with Howard Chaykin? He’s fascinating!

A comic book creator of great renown, he will never rest on his laurels – for real! He’d much rather be known for his latest work.


From Doctor Who to playing Malcolm Merlyn on Arrow, John Barrowman is always a highlight of any con or in-person appearance. This guy’s a hoot! If our Hometown Geek Team could get any of his antics on camera, you can bet we’ll be sharing that here RIGHT away! And his acting isn’t bad, either. 😉 


We’ve been following Elijah Wood since early in his child actor days. Can anyone who’s seen the Barry Levinson masterpiece Avalon say that he, and the movie, are not among their favorites?  And that soundtrack!  Anyway… Sure, he’s a con fave now because he’s Frodo, but what about all his other awesome work??


Should Black Panther have won the Best Picture Academy Award?? YES!!! Christopher Priest neé Jim Owsley is the hot ticket who helped bring T’Challa and the other citizens of Wakanda to life on the pages of his great comic book run and his work influenced the movie greatly.  The amount of trailblazing in comics that Priest has done cannot be underestimated!


Can there ever be enough ElfQuest?? NO!!! The incredible, husband-wife, creator team of Wendy and Richard Pini has managed to stand the test of time with a unique and very popular comic book vision when self-publishing and/or indie comics were not funded by Indie Go Go but by blood, sweat, and tears. The only question left to ask about ElfQuest – why hasn’t there been a movie yet?!


Did you like the Christopher Nolan Batman movies? Well, you have to Denny O’Neil to thank then. He started the Dark Knight vision in his comics of the ’70s and a whole ton of other comic book awesomeness including the groundbreaking Green Arrow/Green Lantern team-up dealing with major social issues of the day. What would Denny write in today’s comics?


The best Batman artist, hands down, and part of the legendary Green Lantern/Green Arrow social issues run of the ’70s. Neal Adams is a mensch in the comic book industry and never stopped looking out for his friend, Stan Lee, until the very end. Thanks, Neal – an artist and a gentleman.


Star Trek: Voyager is the BEST Star Trek show in the franchise. Fight me.

Garrett Wang as Harry Kim is one of the many reasons why. Great actor, great friend to others, all-around great guy.


Before there was Sharknado, there was Ian Ziering! Beverly Hills 90210 is especially on all our minds right now because of the sudden and tragic death of Luke Perry.  I’m sure everyone will want to check in with Ian and hear all about his 90210 days at this year’s con.

P.S. Sharknado 5 has scenes set in Everybody’s Hometown – Prescott, Arizona!


Josef Rubinstein – the first comic book inker that we knew. We understood what inking was because of you and your unique style.  From the early days as an X-Men artist favorite to today’s modern art technology, you’re the best!


Who is the last living person on Earth with the most knowledge and love of the Golden Age of Comics? Roy Thomas is your man!  With all the reboots and new issue #1s every other month, Thomas’ institutional memory is more important than ever!!!

His love letter to the Golden Age, All-Star Squadron, was one that caught my eye when I had 25 cents to spend at the local Circle K spinner rack of comic books when i was a kid. 25 cents was a lot of money back then and I’m glad I bought it instead of that candy bar.


Gerry Conway created Firestorm and wrote a ton of Justice League among his many other accomplishments. If you want the last of the liberal stalwarts and a fantastic Twitter feed, check out his account at

We’re dying to talk to him!


Could we please talk with Howard Chaykin? He’s fascinating!

A comic book creator of great renown, he will never rest on his laurels – for real! He’d much rather be known for his latest work.




Downtown Parking

Phoenix Convention Center Parking //
Note: The North Garage will be accessible from 5th St to Monroe

Parkwhiz //
Use Coupon Code: PHXCF18

Arena Park Place LP //

*Limited Spots Available

Other Parking Options:
Valley Metro Rail //
Note: The 3rd St/Washington stop will be closed 10 AM – 3 PM during all 4 days of PCF. The Washington/Central stop will be OPEN.

Downtown Parking

Phoenix Convention Center Parking //
Note: The North Garage will be accessible from 5th St to Monroe

Parkwhiz //
Use Coupon Code: PHXCF18

Arena Park Place LP //

*Limited Spots Available

Other Parking Options:
Valley Metro Rail //
Note: The 3rd St/Washington stop will be closed 10 AM – 3 PM during all 4 days of PCF. The Washington/Central stop will be OPEN.

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Hometown Geek
Dashing Young Geek About Town at Making A Scene Productions, LLC
By day, your Hometown Geek is one of the partners at Making A Scene Productions, LLC and works hard at video production, web design, social media, and all things tech, but by night it's a never-ending battle for truth, justice, and the American Way.

Well-versed in the details of the never-to-be-forgotten and sadly never-to-be-repeated Bronze and Copper Age of Comic Books, but was an innocent bystander during the Chrome Age and accepts no responsibility for it, your Hometown Geek loves all things comic-book related from any era.

Although biased toward Apple products, your Hometown Geek doesn't feel like a Hipster. Fascinated by all the tech at hand in the world today and anxious to try out all different forms of new and old media, the Geek still has an incredible fondness for the old movies of the 1930s and 1940s and loves to fall asleep to TCM - Turner Classic Movies.

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