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DC Rebirth Shocker!

Jun 25, 2016Comic Books, Comic Cons

DC Rebirth Shocker!

Watch the video below to hear what DC Comics’ Jason Inman thinks was the most shocking moment of DC Rebirth #1

Jason Inman, co-host of DC All Access, was kind enough to share his most memorable moment of the premiere issue of DC Universe: Rebirth (2016). What was yours? How are you liking the new direction DC Comics are taking? Comment below! Find out more in this exclusive interview filmed at Phoenix Comicon!


Hi, my name is Jason Inman, and this is Everybody’s Hometown Geek!

What was the most memorable moment of DC Rebirth #1?


Oh, man, uh…can I give spoilers away?
Batman seeing the pin!  I won’t even say whose pin it is, that’s the best moment for me.  I didn’t see it coming.  


DC Rebirth Shocker!
DC All Access
Geek History Lesson

Jason: Watch us every weekday at DC All Access and if you like my geeky stuff, I have a podcast called Geek History Lesson.

The Hometown Geeks, Deb and Liz, with DC Comics' Jason Inman (Jawiin) at Phoenix ComiCon 2016

The Hometown Geeks, Deb and Liz, with DC Comics’ Jason Inman (Jawiin) at Phoenix ComiCon 2016

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